Experience a unique opportunity to move, dance, and create in a supportive environment with a diverse group of dancers.

Naches, WA

Seek to enrich the lives of families with children who are seriously ill or developmentally disabled by providing an outdoor wilderness experience where families can enjoy themselves in a supportive atmosphere without financial burden.

GET MOVING GET SOCIAL is a therapeutic summer camp that is guaranteed to be an enjoyable experience for your children. They will have daily workouts and develop their sports skills by learning the techniques of several sports as they develop their social skills. Each day will incorporate social activities and physical activities. We will also have some time for an arts and craft project and some yoga.

Dream Oaks provides day and residential year-round camp experiences for children, 7-17, with special needs and/or chronic illnesses.

Looking for an extraordinary camp experience for your child this summer? Look no further than NCTRC's Inclusive Summer Camps. Camps are open to children ages 5-12, with or without disabilities. Campers participate in a variety of activities from 9 am - 2 pm each day, including horseback riding, arts and crafts, learning about farm animals, and painting ponies!

Camp Setebaid and The HDYC are normal summer residential camps for youth living with T1D. Staffed by mature adults who have experience with T1D who are complimented by a medical team with diabetes expertise to assure the campers are safe during their time at camp.

Little Rock, AR

Camp Aldersgate provides traditional residential camping experiences for children with medical, physical, and developmental challenges. Sessions include week long disability specific and inclusive (for children with and without disabilities) summer camps. There are also weekend Respite sessions year round.

Rocky Mount, MO

Wonderland Camp is an all-inclusive camp for individuals with disabilities age 6+.

Dickinson, TX

Oasis Academy is a year round school that opens spots for unique kids during summer. Oasis Academy is Monday-Thursday 9am-2pm year around. We offer functional and foundational academics, DIR therapy and self-regulation alongside co-regulation skills. Contact us today for more information and to discuss pricing.

Set on the waters of Vaughn bay, with a view of the southern Olympic Mountains, we offer a full camp experience for individuals with disabilities.

SibDays of Summer is a high-energy day camp for siblings ages 6-12 of brothers and sisters with disabilities. It's offered 10 am-3 pm daily at Plamann Park in Appleton, Wisconsin, from July 17-21, 2023 by WisconSibs, Inc.

The Team GUTS Fun & Fitness Camp is not only about having a great time, but being introduced to different physical activities in positive way and having that social component is very important as well. Health and wellness is not always at the forefront for our loved ones, but it is so important and so needed.

Sib Camp is an opportunity for siblings of children with disabilities to kick back, experience the freedom and thrill of adventure, and share a great time with peers who truly understand the ups and downs of life with siblings what have special needs. It includes zip-lining, kayaking, geocaching, biking, swimming, campfires and lots of fun.

Camp Courageous serves children and adults with all types of special needs and developmental disabilities. We offer summer day and residential camp, and fall respite weekends.

Meet new friends and share experiences during this three-day camp for women ages 18 and older with physical disabilities.

Indy Parks Camp GATHER/GOM is a day camp that services youth ages 6-19 with physical and (or) intellectual limitations. In our 7-week day camp, campers will participate in activities such as life skills, motor skills, community programs, and communication skills. We provide free breakfast and lunch daily and are located just outside of downtown Indy at Rhodius Park. Feel free to give us a call or email.

Kerrville, TX

Texas Lions Camp exists to provide, without charge, a camp for physically disabled and diabetic children from the State of Texas; regardless of race, religion, or national origin.

Sarasota, FL

Easterseals Southwest Florida Inclusive Day Camp

Salt Lake City, UT

Kostopulos Dream Foundation's mission is to improve quality of life of individuals with disabilities through recreation and growth experiences.

New Holland, PA

Children regardless of ability and disability are accepted.