The premiere camping experience for people with disabilities. It's a five day, in residence, camp-style retreat for people with cognitive or physical disabilities to find fellowship with others, both with and without disabilities and to experience the best week of their year. June 19 - 23rd 2023

West Hartford, CT

Learn how to independently ride a 2 wheel bicycle.

Summer and Seasonal Camps for Children and Adults living with Disabilities or Special Needs.

Center Point, TX

Camp CAMP serves individuals, aged 5-55, with developmental, intellectual, physical, and medical disabilities. We provide programming year-round and serve families from all over the country! Learn more and apply at

Rocky Mount, MO

Wonderland Camp is an all-inclusive camp for individuals with disabilities age 6+.

Framingham, MA

Special Needs six week summer program for boys

Christian Camping Experience for individuals with Special Needs

Indy Parks Camp GATHER/GOM is a day camp that services youth ages 6-19 with physical and (or) intellectual limitations. In our 7-week day camp, campers will participate in activities such as life skills, motor skills, community programs, and communication skills. We provide free breakfast and lunch daily and are located just outside of downtown Indy at Rhodius Park. Feel free to give us a call or email.

Camp Type: Multiple Sclerosis Camps