SibDays of Summer is a high-energy day camp for siblings ages 6-12 of brothers and sisters with disabilities. It's offered 10 am-3 pm daily at Plamann Park in Appleton, Wisconsin, from July 17-21, 2023 by WisconSibs, Inc.

Sib Camp is an opportunity for siblings of children with disabilities to kick back, experience the freedom and thrill of adventure, and share a great time with peers who truly understand the ups and downs of life with siblings what have special needs. It includes zip-lining, kayaking, geocaching, biking, swimming, campfires and lots of fun.

Menomonee Falls, WI

ARCh Camp Pow Wow welcomes children and adults with learning disabilities, cognitive challenges, autism spectrum disorders, physical health difficulties and a variety of other diagnoses. Some campers use wheelchairs, walkers or other devices to enhance mobility, while others require a regimen of medications or diligent monitoring of blood sugar.

STM has been camp-style retreats for for individuals and families impacted by disability to have fun and find fellowship with others in a Christian atmosphere since 1982. Each location is staffed with Medical professionals and volunteers.