Camp Directors
Recruit Campers

Listing Options
Multi-Media Listing
1st Tier Ranking
Logo, 6 Photos, Map, Video
Link to Website
Full Profile

Stand out with 1st Tier Ranking, a full complement of multi-media elements, and a link to your camp's website.
Sign Up Now!
Also looking for staff?
Multi-Media Listing included with Staff Recruitment Package ($149/yr.) at no additional cost.
Multi-Media Listing included with Staff Recruitment Package ($149/yr.) at no additional cost.
* 1 year term is effective for 12 consecutive months from date of activation.
Free Listing
Link to Website
Full Profile

Secondary ranking. Includes a full camp profile denoting the particular nature of your camp, descriptive content in your own words, contact information, and an email form for visitors to contact your camp for more information.
Sign Up Now!
Feature Comparison
ML = Multi-Media Listing
FL = Free Listing
Click on feature name to view more:
FL = Free Listing
Click on feature name to view more:
Highest ranking classification will elevate your listing's ranking potential above Free Listings: under most circumstances, your listing will be randomized primarily amongst other 1st Tier listings. Depending upon the particular type of search or page, randomization may occur in real time, hourly, or on a nightly basis.
Only the Multi-Media Listing includes the ability to embed an existing video which is already accessible in a web ready "embeddable format" (i.e. Youtube, Vimeo, etc).
You are able to include six digital photos within a Multi-Media Listing. Must be .jpg, .png, or .gif format and 3MB Limit. Larger thumbnails will be displayed on camp listing page.
Display your camp's logo in .jpg, .png, or .gif format within a Multi-Media Listing profile page. 3MB limit per image.
Display your camp's location on an interactive map - accessible directly from your camp's listing.
Included with a Multi-Media Listing on VerySpecialCamps is a premium Full Hyperlink Listing on at no additional cost (reg $99/yr).
If your camp rents to groups, take advantage of this special promotional offer. Free group rental listing option also available.
Allows visitors to your listing to be transported directly to your camp's website; allowing for a more robust experience of your camp's marketing material online.
Display your camp's full address, telephone, and fax for both wither and summer locations.
All listings include a short web form to allow visitors to contact you for more information. Web form contents will be delivered to the email address on record associated with your listing.
Denote your camp's program emphasis according to special needs served.
Denote the facilities / activities your camp makes available.
Provide an unlimited amount of descriptive content with respect to your camp in your own words.
Update your listing at any time through our easy to use web interface.
Receive periodic performance reports (Nov-July: monthly; Aug-Oct: quarterly) which detail the number of occassions your listings has been viewed in full, emails sent from your listing, as well as click throughs to your website (if applicable).
All listings allow you to create a unique camp profile with a customized desription about your camp's particular programming, philosophy, session information, and other details.
Group Rental Listing Included
Receive a "Full Hyperlink Listing" on (reg. $99/yr) at no additional cost with any paid listing with Free group rental listing option also available.
Receive a "Full Hyperlink Listing" on (reg. $99/yr) at no additional cost with any paid listing with Free group rental listing option also available.