CHAMP Camp provides a summer camp experience for children and adolescents with tracheostomies and those who require technological respiratory assistance. Our campers enjoy and fully participate in outdoor summer camp activities including swimming, canoeing, climbing and zip lining to encourage independence, confidence, and self-esteem and create memories that last a lifetime.
Mission Creek Camp is a place that provides individuals of all abilities with the opportunity to have an inclusive and unforgettable residential summer camp experience! Due to the physical terrain, we are currently unable to accommodate campers with wheelchairs at this time. However, this is a top priority in terms of our ongoing projects and fundraising efforts.
Fun-Filled 5 Day Camp for individuals of all ages and abilities.
May 26- 30, 2025 in great central Florida location
Participate in “Get Away” Camp style recreational activities!
Great fellowship where you will make lifelong friends
Arts/Crafts Bingo, Archery, Zipline, A Dance, Talent Show, Field Games and so much more providing Fun for All!
True Friends provides direct care services for children and adults with developmental, physical, and multiple disabilities. Educational, recreational and other support services offered at four centers in Minnesota.
Kostopulos Dream Foundation's mission is to improve quality of life of individuals with disabilities through education, recreation and growth opportunities.
We offer fun & exciting day programs for individuals between the ages of 5 – 26 who have been diagnosed with cognitive and/or physical impairments. A variety of sites are offered to best suits the needs and abilities of participants. Programs are designed for individuals who will be successful in a 3:1 ratio. New participants and parents must schedule an assessment with Program Coordinator and Adaptive Recreation Specialist prior to the start of the program.
Camp designed to engage children with physical, cognitive or behavioral challenges in traditional camp activities. Environment designed to provide all campers with appropriate opportunities to socialize with like peers. Our staff are specially trained to work with children and adults with physical disabilities, cognitive delays, and work with all behaviors.
Camp Conquest is a Christ-centered, overnight camp for children and adults with special needs, chronic illnesses, and disabilities, including Disabled Veterans.
We seek to enrich the lives of families with children who are seriously/terminally ill or developmentally disabled by providing an outdoor wilderness experience where families can enjoy themselves in a supportive atmosphere without financial burden.
Victory Junction Mission: To enrich the lives of children with chronic or life-threatening illnesses by providing camping experiences that are memorable, exciting, fun, empowering, physically safe and medically sound.
Camp Dream is a recreational, traditional summer camp experience for children and young adults with moderate to severe physical and developmental disabilities. Camp Dream is 100% volunteer, offering a one-to-one camper-counselor ratio. Camp Dream is a barrier free environment that has never turned away a camper due to the severity of their disability or their financial capability.
Trailways Camps, Inc. is for adults with disabilities looking to make friends, create memories, and have fun out in nature!
Free medically supported summer camp for kids with serious illnesses.
Sib Camp is an opportunity for siblings of children with disabilities to kick back, experience the freedom and thrill of adventure, and share a great time with peers who truly understand the ups and downs of life with siblings what have special needs. It includes zip-lining, kayaking, geocaching, biking, swimming, campfires and lots of fun.
Easter Seals Summer Camp is a nature-based, overnight program at a fully accessible camp, where campers (ages 6-49) with all types of disabilities explore new activities and skills in a fun, supportive environment. Activities include: swimming, sports & games, arts & crafts, waterslide, big swings, trampolines, camp fires, life and leadership skills. There is a 3:1 camper to staff ratio, plus registered nurses on site 24/7.