Wisconsin Badger Camp serves adults and children with developmental, physical, emotional/behavioral disabilities in a residental summer camp setting.
ARCh Camp Pow Wow welcomes children and adults with learning disabilities, cognitive challenges, autism spectrum disorders, physical health difficulties and a variety of other diagnoses. Some campers use wheelchairs, walkers or other devices to enhance mobility, while others require a regimen of medications or diligent monitoring of blood sugar.
The RecPlex offers a special needs summer camp for all ages and abilities. Activities include daily swimming, weekly beach visits as well as community outings, arts and crafts, indoor exercise and outdoor excursions!
Sib Camp is an opportunity for siblings of children with disabilities to kick back, experience the freedom and thrill of adventure, and share a great time with peers who truly understand the ups and downs of life with siblings what have special needs. It includes zip-lining, kayaking, geocaching, biking, swimming, campfires and lots of fun.
The Joyful Hearts program is specially designed for individuals who have developmental disabilities. This program provides a quality camping experience in a safe, Christian environment.
SibDays of Summer is a high-energy day camp for siblings ages 6-12 of brothers and sisters with disabilities. It's offered 10 am-3 pm daily at Plamann Park in Appleton, Wisconsin, from July 17-21, 2023 by WisconSibs, Inc.
Easterseals Camp Wawbeek is an adventure outdoor program that allows people of all abilities to be people first.
STM has been camp-style retreats for for individuals and families impacted by disability to have fun and find fellowship with others in a Christian atmosphere since 1982. Each location is staffed with Medical professionals and volunteers.
Respite Camp allows individuals to enjoy the out of doors in a supportive small group ratio while giving the caregivers a needed break. Most groups are 2 counselors with 3-4 campers